A review on synthetic methods for 2-Deoxy-D-glucoseRaman Singh, Vidushi Gupta and Kuldeep Singh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.946
Full Text: PDF (1,294K) | Export Citation: RIS | pp. 199 - 219Publisher Arkivoc
Summary2-Deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) is a non-metabolizable glucose analog that has shown promising pharmacological activities and has been used to study the role of glucose in cancer cells. 2-DG is an inhibitor of glycolysis, a potential Energy Restriction Mimetic agent and inhibits pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Its radioisotope derivatives have applications as tracers. Recently, 2-DG has been used as an anti-COVID-19 drug lowering the need for supplemental oxygen. In this review, different synthetic strategies for preparing 2-DG, including enzymatic synthesis, have been discussed. Understanding these methods would help develop therapeutics or diagnostic agents to explore therapeutic targets related to energy metabolism.