ICT Tools in EducationInformation Communication Technology (ICT)
There are several ICT tools for schools, colleges, and universities. Here is a list of some of theses - Blogging, wiki, spreadsheet software, presentation software, whiteboard, video maker, websites, collaboration suits, LMS, etc.
Platforms & Technologies in Journal PublishingDetails of Open Access journals and repositoriesJournals’ impact, Indexing and AnalysisPublishing Tools, Trends and Best PracticesPlagiarism Checker ToolsJournal’s Sustainability, Assessment and Quality ControlIdentifiers: Researchers' Unique Identities, Profiles and Journal IdentifiersResearch IntegrityPublications EthicsIPR: License & CopyrightsCommunications, social media and Networking in AcademiaIf a software or online tool is missing, please send it to info@orgsyn.in